Friday, November 5, 2010

I'm now an Award Winning Author!

And I haven't finished a damn thing.  I follow Sierra Godfrey's Blog  and she had a contest the other day in which readers were invited to make up a story about Tootsie Pop wrappers.   I won!  I may not be much in the romantic fiction department, but when it comes to sugar, I'm there.  My brilliant short work of fiction, which we will call  The Indian and the Roller Skate Girl is available as a free download (okay, not really, you can just click on the link, and read it in the comments section). 

Thanks, Sierra!  Great Blog, by the way.  I'm still trying to figure out that QR code thing (which my son assures me is not a portal to computer virus hell because of the way smart phones work, but I'm not convinced). 

Happy Friday, everyone! 

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