Who isn't a sucker for an accent? My first love was Davey Jones of the Monkees, and while I was initially attracted to his smooth, hairless chest, I was forever conditioned to coo over British accents.

This intense love affair lasted until I was 9, when I got taller than him. But really...those soulful eyes (okay, maybe they're a little ooky, but they seemed soulful when I was six), that hairless little chest? What's not to adore? And the accent. Oh. My. Gosh. Made me a Daydream Believer. Until stupid Marcia Brady hornswoggled him into kissing her. Slut.
And then there was Bond. James Bond. Roger Moore, Eh. Not so much. But that Scottish Bond, shooeee. And look there, bottom right of this composite...he's got a seriously long gun. Not as wide-barreled as you might hope for, but a skilled operator doesn't need...oh, well, you get the analogy. Or metaphor. Whatever. Sean Connery...hot.

And then there is the Irish accent. Sigh Did you see Liam Neeson in The Good Mother? Nell? Darkman? Okay, maybe the Jedi mind tricks made you forget those movies, but I've been a Liam girl for years.

Now back to the English Accent: The blue-eyed Bond, Daniel Craig. And there's this scene where he's tied nekkid to a chair and...well, Tiffany, that scene's for you. I'll do the kiss it and make it better scene.

Let's not forget our own good old American Boy accents, especially those southern boys. Tommy Lee Jones is my personal fave. Yeah. That's him. How cute was he, even way back before he was Loretta Lynn's husband or a Man In Black?

And East Coast Boys are hip. Yo, Adriane!

But my absolute favorite accent is the Spanish one. Not the Mexican Spanish one, the actual Spanish Spanish one. Just saying the words "Antonio Banderas" makes my rrrr's roll around in ecstasy.

I once worked with a man from Spain. He sounded just like Antonio B on the phone. He looked more like Andy Sipowicz crossed with Archie Bunker, but if you just listened, he was like Viagra in pink.
What accents do it for you?