Anyway, I took a look at my calves, the flash drive that doesn't have my novel on it, the mountain of un-mailed graduation thank-you notes, and started making a list of goals. Exciting stuff.
1) Get back on a food plan (which is recovery-speak for "diet")
2) Get some exercise (besides working my mouse clicking finger)
3) Act healthy (this is the "Fake it 'til you make it" theory)
4) Write a damn book, already
5) Get organized and efficient at work (ummm...probably by not spending so much time blogging?)
6) Get a "Better Home". Not aspiring to be Martha Stewart here, just to fix real food for my kids once or twice a week. Remember to water the grass. Pull a weed now and then.
So, not being one for half-measures, I dug out the most hardcore book I could find in my personal library, Body For Life. Part of my reason for pulling out that book is that I have a new posing suit client. She'll be doing a women's figure competition in October, and working with these women is always eye-opening (I have no aspirations, not even secret fantasies about being this buff. But finding the time and energy to exercise? I do fantasize about that). And learning to walk in stripper heels. I think The Big Guy might like that.

Anyway. I looked at the book for a while, and then logged onto Sparkpeople instead. There are half-measures and there is reason. Can I just tell you that substituting grilled chicken for salami has resulted in a loss of six pounds in four days? Okay, maybe the elimination of donuts and ice cream is a factor, too. And running to the bathroom sixteen times a day because I've been drinking so much water.
As for those goals? I'm hitting about 500 right now. I've been doing SOME writing everyday, churning out a perfectly shitty first draft.

Haven't made it to the gym. Pulled a few weeds, but the mosquitos were pretty bad, and I haven't unearthed the bug spray yet, so I went back inside. But here is the biggest news of all:
My son, the Bearded Wonder, came into the kitchen last night and said, laughing, "What's for dinner?"
I pointed at the stove and said, "Grilled chicken, salad, and brown rice."
He stopped laughing. "Really?"
"Yes. What did you think I was going to say?"
From the living room (Drama Queen) and the basement (Sam Stanley Experience) and the Bearded Wonder came, all together now, "Whatever you make for yourself."
YES! I get extra points for that one.